ed noodles安康蒸Ankang steam面。
mutton羊肉泡Steamed 馍。
board Bacon镇坪砧板腊Zhenping cutting肉。
s rice cake安康浆粑Ankang glutinou馍?
ish in Shiquan 石泉鲶鱼炖豆Stewed tofu with catf腐?
pot 蒸盆Steamed子!
r skin 蕨粉皮Fern powde子!
grance 油Oil fra香!
uisine 岚皋Langao c菜?
ice dumplings汉Hanyin fried r阴?
esidue and hot pepper岚皋渣辣子蒸魔Steamed konjac with Langao r芋?
odle paste安康窝窝面Ankang Wowo no浆!
feast 魔芋Konjac 宴。陕西美食简笔画
preserved meat 腊肉炒蛋Fried egg skin with皮?
buns 鼓气Steamed馍!
ng bun汉阴炕炕Hanyin Ka馍!
pig blood 猪血豆腐Dried tofu with干。
point water三点Ankang three 水。
abbage炝白Fried c菜?
stnut and mushroom板栗香菇炖Stewed chicken with che鸡!
mp 河Shri虾?
ewed noodles汉阴涧池烩面Hanyin Jianchi st片?
and tofu鲶鱼炖豆腐野Braised catfish山。
walnut bun平利苦荞核桃Pingli buckwheat包?
dried tofu石泉五香豆腐Shiquan spiced 干?
steamed meat 安康红薯粉蒸Ankang sweet potato肉?
potato Baba洋芋粑粑炒腊Fried bacon with 肉。
ouci 紫阳油Ziyang Y糍?
th dried pork鬼谷子腊肉Fried pork cake wi饼。
ecoction白火石汆Baihuoshi D汤?
ed bun汉滨烧饼肉夹Hanbin steam馍。
ieces八大Eight p件?
unyang旬阳揽Food in X饭。
uckwheat cake岚皋苦荞Langao tartary b饼!